21.   Human rights groups have already declared that the election will not be free or fair.

22.   Meeting in Monterrey before the summit, a group of activists declared Saturday that the final document, called the Monterrey Consensus, is window dressing.

23.   On Monday, a new militant Christian group declared war against supporters of the agreement.

24.   Several militant groups declared cease-fires after the talks began.

25.   Several groups have declared the establishment of new political parties.

26.   Spokeswoman Kami Watson said the lobbying group had declared no position until now.

27.   Tamil rebel groups declared all-out war, concluding that only an independent Tamil state could protect their people.

28.   The contact group declared that the U.N. arms embargo on the former Yugoslav republics was no longer valid because international peacekeepers have failed to protect Bosnian Muslims.

29.   The group declared a three-day period of mourning and asked Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to observe a strike Saturday.

30.   The group has publicly declared that the uprising, or intefadeh, will continue despite the U.S.-brokered cease-fire agreement.

n. + declare >>共 584
government 14.38%
official 5.87%
court 3.69%
judge 3.33%
authority 2.80%
leader 2.41%
island 1.96%
army 1.83%
president 1.79%
company 1.66%
group 1.66%
group + v. >>共 723
say 9.83%
be 9.19%
have 3.36%
claim 3.17%
include 1.64%
call 1.57%
plan 1.51%
accuse 1.35%
want 1.19%
take 1.04%
declare 0.11%
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