21.   But Sullivan also stresses that to charge doctors with performing substandard care the agency must prove at least one case of gross negligence or numerous substandard-care cases.

22.   But the Medical Board has charged Gaynor with gross negligence, dishonesty and repeated negligent acts in the affair.

23.   Carpenters Director of Special Projects Ed Durkin said the union would propose that Archer Daniels amend its bylaws to make board members personally liable for gross negligence.

24.   DiBlasio and Bier were accused by the state of gross negligence and incompetence.

25.   Employees can be held liable if equipment is lost or damaged due to malice or gross negligence.

26.   Four senior police officers who had been responsible for security in Luxor are being tried for gross negligence.

27.   Government regulations in most, if not all states, exempt the companies from liability, except for gross negligence or willful misconduct.

28.   Gross negligence goes a step further, and requires proof that a bank also ignored information that should have signaled a need for further investigation.

29.   Gross negligence goes a step further, and requires proof that officials also ignored information that should have signaled a need for further investigation.

30.   Generally, gross negligence requires proof that bank directors or officers ignored warning signs that, if investigated, could have averted the losses.

a. + negligence >>共 75
criminal 23.72%
gross 17.91%
professional 10.00%
contributory 9.53%
alleged 3.95%
medical 3.72%
possible 3.26%
culpable 3.02%
official 2.09%
simple 1.63%
gross + n. >>共 292
product 40.01%
margin 8.93%
negligence 4.41%
income 2.46%
violation 2.35%
receipt 1.95%
misconduct 1.77%
revenue 1.72%
mismanagement 1.55%
profit 1.43%
每页显示:    共 77