21.   You might be responsible for bringing the longest peacetime economic expansion to a grinding halt.

22.   But the good days came to a grinding halt with the catastrophic economic collapse that began in the middle of last year.

23.   For how long can Thailand bite the bullets of higher interest rates before the entire economy comes to a grinding halt?

24.   Public utilities, state hospitals and banks operated on skeleton staffs and urban transportation came to a grinding halt.

25.   The Russian aerospace industry was showered with funds during the Cold War years but came to a grinding halt after the Soviet collapse.

26.   Their studies showed that while most government-owned industries have come to a grinding halt, private firms and utilities were still prospering despite the sanctions.

27.   This has come to a grinding halt.

28.   Their economies have to come to a grinding halt.

29.   Their studies showed that while most government-owned industries have come to a grinding halt, private firms and utilities were still prospering, despite the sanctions.

30.   This NPA will be exposed and the rotation of funds will come to a grinding halt.

a. + halt >>共 122
immediate 16.77%
temporary 12.69%
abrupt 8.98%
screeching 8.38%
complete 5.51%
grinding 4.43%
trading 4.43%
virtual 3.95%
sudden 3.35%
bombing 3.23%
grinding + n. >>共 132
poverty 18.47%
halt 11.78%
wheel 3.82%
mill 2.23%
style 2.23%
conflict 1.91%
sound 1.91%
gear 1.91%
corn 1.59%
drought 1.59%
每页显示:    共 37