21.   Those of us who struggle with the grey areas of the abortion question get squeezed by the radicals on both sides.

22.   While not officially recognized, Falun Gong has existed in a kind of grey area, as the government has tried to avoid a confrontation.

23.   Women like Gelburd are in this grey area.

24.   According to existing regulations, the export of counterfeit goods is a grey area in law enforcement.

25.   Asked about compensation to those investors affected by closures of security firms, the chief executive said there was a certain grey area on regulations.

26.   I try to show the grey areas, to give more life to the characters.

27.   It is no good leaving grey areas otherwise it leads to confusion.

28.   Mr Ho said the existing ordinance was too technical and some people might violate the law out of carelessness or mistakenly overstep into a grey area.

29.   Mr Lau admitted, however, there were still grey areas concerning the application of the code requiring the collection and use of ID card references.

30.   Mr Fung said there were too many grey areas and wanted a deferral of the bill until the new Legislative Council was in place.

a. + area >>共 807
rural 5.68%
palestinian 2.70%
metropolitan 2.48%
urban 2.31%
remote 2.23%
same 2.05%
residential 2.02%
large 1.95%
safe 1.95%
surrounding 1.41%
grey 0.10%
grey + n. >>共 300
hair 7.64%
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eye 5.97%
area 5.25%
sky 3.46%
cloud 2.27%
squirrel 2.03%
wall 1.07%
uniform 1.07%
building 1.07%
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