21.   Case in point of the grandiose kickoff was Marvel Mania at its grand opening.

22.   Construction began last spring, and the grand opening is planned for September.

23.   Corporate and private donations declined after the hoopla of the grand opening.

24.   Drawings for shopping sprees, prizes as well as other entertainment will be part of the grand opening.

25.   Finally, it was the day before the grand opening.

26.   For the grand opening, it will be stocked with entirely fresh inventory, including many new designer names.

27.   Grand opening Wednesday.

28.   He moved Tuesday to one he designed, along with son Jack II, for the official grand opening of the Laurel Springs Golf Club in Suwanee.

29.   In addition to the signs, banners and balloons announcing the grand opening of the booking office, somebody had stationed a clown at one of the driveway entrances.

30.   In the new galleries for traveling exhibitions, two shows will be part of the grand opening.

a. + opening >>共 539
official 6.46%
grand 5.88%
small 3.86%
new 2.77%
formal 2.13%
higher 2.13%
further 2.13%
lower 2.07%
political 1.61%
strong 1.44%
grand + n. >>共 840
juror 4.05%
scale 3.67%
theft 3.18%
prize 3.10%
plan 2.88%
opening 2.77%
scheme 2.56%
finale 2.04%
council 1.77%
entrance 1.66%
每页显示:    共 101