21.   Steiner said he had no problem with a gradual reduction of the troop presence, but cautioned against any sudden cuts.

22.   The agreement calls for a gradual reduction and eventual elimination of tariffs within SAARC, though no concrete steps have been taken to make the agreement work.

23.   The others are a little more complicated, such as the procedure to gradual reduction of ranking points.

24.   The unions and Hunosa reached agreement two years ago for a more gradual reduction.

25.   When laws are strictly enforced, there will eventually be a gradual reduction in road accidents.

26.   Will it be able to preserve its present hegemony or will it experience a gradual reduction in its political significance?

27.   With the gradual reduction of their habitat due to the creation of plantations and settlements, elephants have increasingly raided areas around their jungles.

28.   Prices have also been gathering strength from a gradual reduction in producer hedging, or forward-selling to protect against future price falls.

29.   Residents at a camp for displaced people in east Sierra Leone stoned local Red Cross workers after a gradual reduction in food rations, local correspondents reported Friday.

a. + reduction >>共 406
further 10.17%
significant 5.63%
sharp 4.64%
spending 3.38%
substantial 2.72%
drastic 2.58%
proposed 1.97%
major 1.97%
dramatic 1.83%
possible 1.41%
gradual 1.36%
gradual + n. >>共 296
approach 4.58%
recovery 4.42%
increase 4.34%
change 4.27%
process 3.79%
improvement 2.92%
withdrawal 2.92%
return 2.61%
transition 2.45%
reduction 2.29%
每页显示:    共 29