21.   Tisch, these executives said, needed a graceful exit from CBS, almost as much as Diller needed a way in.

22.   Whether it is good enough for a Gibbs-like run in Washington and a graceful exit down the road is yet to be seen.

23.   Winning a senate seat would also would allow Weld a graceful exit from his job as governor, a position that no longers engages his interest, sources said.

24.   All signs were pointing to a graceful exit from the race.

25.   Bush was in Texas, savoring his hard-earned triumph in private, as if to give Gore all the room he needed for a graceful exit.

26.   But for all the cruelty golf inflicts, it also allows for a graceful exit.

27.   Estrada denied news reports that negotiations were under way with opposition leaders for his graceful exit.

28.   In exchange for stepping aside, all six parties in his government supported Banharn during the vote, allowing him a graceful exit.

29.   It was anything but a graceful exit.

30.   On Monday, Cummings opted for a graceful exit after the knee problems and other ailments that dogged his career became too much to overcome.

a. + exit >>共 308
early 14.95%
emergency 14.05%
quick 6.37%
graceful 2.94%
nearest 2.21%
new 2.04%
first 1.47%
only 1.47%
final 1.14%
round 1.14%
graceful + n. >>共 349
exit 6.13%
way 4.77%
movement 1.87%
arch 1.87%
arc 1.70%
curve 1.19%
motion 1.02%
aging 1.02%
performance 1.02%
line 1.02%
每页显示:    共 36