21.   Under the state of emergency, the government can take over or direct the operation of public utilities and businesses.

22.   Will the government take retaliatory action?

23.   By cutting pensions, the government is taking money away from those who need it most.

24.   Critics want the government to take this one stage further and ban the film altogether.

25.   The government was taking little heed of these threats.

26.   Experts wonder why the U.S. government is not taking similarly strong actions against AIDS in this country.

27.   The government is taking emergency action to deal with a housing crisis.

28.   The government took another step on the road to political reform.

29.   The government will take comfort from the latest opinion poll.

30.   The government is not taking such criticism lying down.

n. + take >>共 1201
government 2.42%
company 1.62%
people 1.59%
meeting 1.38%
investor 1.22%
police 1.16%
process 1.02%
official 1.00%
attack 0.80%
team 0.79%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
每页显示:    共 1703