21.   He answered obliquely when asked if the interim government would hand the men over to the United States.

22.   He answered obliquely when asked if the Karzai government would hand the men over to the United States.

23.   He said the government would likely hand out more lenient sentences in the spirit of national reconciliation with the guerrilla group.

24.   Hindu leaders have threatened to begin constructing the temple if the government does not hand over the disputed site by mid-March.

25.   If the flight attendants declare an end to their strike, the government will hand operations back over to Aeromexico.

26.   In April, the government handed back six buildings to the community.

27.   If the Netanyahu government handed the plan to the newspapers, it might have been a way of testing public opinion.

28.   In January, the Bosnian government handed over to U.S. authorities six Algerians allegedly involved in terrorist activities.

29.   It was unclear from the statement if the Cuban government would hand over alleged trafficker Rafael Miguel Bustamante Bolanos if such an agreement was signed.

30.   Members of the China-installed legislature even complain that the new government has repeatedly handed over bills for speedy passage without proper scrutiny.

n. + hand >>共 623
court 6.36%
government 3.10%
official 2.61%
authority 2.39%
police 2.23%
judge 1.90%
rebel 1.74%
worker 1.52%
sentence 1.47%
group 1.30%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
hand 0.06%
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