21.   Some groups that have been critical of biotechnology companies have questioned whether the widespread distribution of golden rice is necessarily a good idea.

22.   The company says it will make golden rice available free for humanitarian uses in any developing nation, subject to further research and local regulations.

23.   The inventors of golden rice, Potrykus and Beyer, also scoff, saying they were not consulted about the ad copy and were in no way involved.

24.   The industry hopes that crops like golden rice will be more acceptable to the public, particularly if they serve humanitarian purposes.

25.   This golden rice could save a million kids a year, Potrykus says, and so could other genetically improved crops.

26.   Thrane says she wonders what environmental concerns anti-biotech activists could have with golden rice.

27.   Tonniessen said the idea for golden rice came from the field in the third world.

28.   Unless the legalities could be handled, golden rice would remain a laboratory phenomenon.

29.   When golden rice is ready for open-air testing, institute officials will have to seek permission from their neighbors.

30.   Critics view golden rice and other genetically modified foods as potential health hazards, and argue not enough research has been done to determine whether they are really safe.

a. + rice >>共 518
white 6.95%
steamed 3.53%
cooked 3.47%
thai 2.62%
fried 2.01%
golden 1.95%
emergency 1.95%
sticky 1.83%
foreign 1.83%
jasmine 1.77%
golden + n. >>共 783
brown 8.09%
opportunity 8.02%
retriever 4.71%
year 2.68%
boy 2.17%
rule 1.89%
goal 1.89%
egg 1.86%
light 1.65%
chance 1.65%
rice 1.10%
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