21.   When we got there, Sonya unlocked the door and we went inside.

22.   You boys stink to high heaven - go inside and take a shower.

23.   Mark left the engine ticking over and went back inside.

24.   She lowered her head and brushed past photographers as she went back inside.

25.   The couple chatted briefly on the doorstep before going inside.

26.   Johnny, go inside and get cleaned up.

27.   I debated going back inside, but decided against it.

28.   She chained her bicycle to the post and went inside.

29.   We went inside during the storm.

30.   Everyone went inside when the rain began to fall.

v. + inside >>共 1292
trap 4.91%
go 4.49%
get 3.69%
find 3.02%
stay 2.97%
remain 2.26%
recommend 2.16%
allow 2.12%
hide 2.10%
look 1.68%
go + p. >>共 107
without 13.04%
before 11.79%
for 9.65%
as 7.69%
in 6.89%
with 5.42%
from 4.52%
of 3.95%
inside 3.55%
outside 2.97%
每页显示:    共 444