21.   Officials said it probably did not come from a German submarine sunk off the coast during World War II.

22.   Swedish divers have located a sailing ship that was transporting cognac, champagne and red wine when it was sunk by a German submarine during World War I.

23.   The German submarine was carrying uranium oxide, ingredients for an atomic bomb, bound for Japan.

24.   The sinking of the ocean liner Lusitania by a German submarine and the Zimmerman telegram that courted Mexican support for Germany helped jar Americans out of isolationism.

25.   The wreckage of the only German submarine sunk in the northern Gulf of Mexico during World War II has been found, two oil companies announced Friday.

26.   The wreckage of the only German submarine sent into the Gulf of Mexico during World War II has been found, two oil companies announced Friday.

27.   German submarines were a deadly menace to the Allies during World War II, during which they sank tens of thousands of tons of merchant shipping.

28.   Historians have been sceptical whether the Americans had enough time to use the material confiscated from the German submarine only three months before the bombings in Japan.

29.   For financial reasons, Indonesia has put off for several years acquisition of two or three German submarines.

30.   Two German submarines have begun the first trans-Atlantic crossing by such vessels from Germany since World War II, the U-boat training centre said Tuesday.

a. + submarine >>共 219
nuclear 19.58%
russian 7.20%
north_korean 5.79%
foreign 3.68%
sunken 2.90%
nuclear-powered 2.90%
german 2.43%
british 2.19%
new 2.04%
soviet 2.04%
german + n. >>共 956
government 4.65%
mark 4.33%
company 2.76%
official 2.57%
authority 1.96%
rate 1.43%
tourist 1.40%
police 1.35%
soldier 1.32%
team 1.27%
submarine 0.12%
每页显示:    共 31