21.   Among the other parties, the HDUR gained overwhelming support from the Hungarian minority.

22.   The Democratic Convention gained substantial support.

23.   The right wing capitalised on the Catholic reaction against republican anticlericalism in order to gain power.

24.   Liver transplantation has been gaining increasing support as a means of treating chronic end stage liver disease and fulminant hepatic failure.

25.   And the indefinable element of public opinion, of the need of governments to present their policies in a form which gained popular support, was making itself felt.

26.   Recently the idea of whole-mantle convection has gained support, largely as a result of new estimates of the viscosity of the mantle below the asthenosphere.

27.   The Comintern Congress was trying to reconcile its revolutionary past with the necessity of gaining support from constitutional parties.

28.   The campaign has gained overwhelming support not only from those within the medical profession, but also ordinary people who rely on the hospital.

29.   A CAMPAIGN to restore the title of The Ridings to Yorkshire and its original boundaries is fast gaining support, say its leaders.

30.   Already, the low-key, approachable Clark apparently has gained wide support among faculty and students.

v. + support >>共 379
have 9.21%
win 5.39%
express 5.29%
provide 4.64%
receive 3.65%
seek 3.13%
get 2.63%
give 2.62%
offer 2.36%
gain 2.31%
gain + n. >>共 494
ground 7.40%
access 6.63%
control 4.75%
momentum 4.34%
support 3.85%
strength 2.76%
popularity 2.36%
attention 2.10%
confidence 1.96%
approval 1.92%
每页显示:    共 517