21.   A romantic modern young man who builds castles in the air generally presumes that his future wife will help pay the mortgage.

22.   About a year later, he finished his studies early and met his future wife, Nilda Patricia Velasco.

23.   Born in Brooklyn, Weinig attended Hofstra University School of Law, where he met his future wife.

24.   Brown met his future wife while attending Hastings.

25.   Browning, a British art teacher, was on holiday when he saw his future wife, a New York social worker, strolling on a beach.

26.   But from the moment he met his future wife four years ago, living in Manhattan was a non-negotiable part of their relationship.

27.   But he fell in love with the country, joined the army, met his future wife and began a life there.

28.   By early November, his future wife, Lisa, was in tears as construction delays sapped what little money they had.

29.   Cheney would meet his future wife, Lynne, at Natrona County High School.

30.   Cheshire, it happened, had his own charitable foundation, and he first met his future wife when she visited one of his homes for the disabled.

a. + wife >>共 690
second 11.17%
former 10.90%
first 9.77%
estranged 6.92%
pregnant 4.48%
new 4.32%
future 3.30%
third 2.85%
young 1.54%
late 1.49%
future + n. >>共 1250
state 3.22%
generation 2.31%
growth 1.75%
earnings 1.53%
plan 1.51%
government 1.40%
capital 1.36%
attack 1.06%
president 0.97%
development 0.96%
wife 0.84%
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