21.   Arab Muslim tradition mandates the public separation of men and women during the most emotionally charged and religiously significant moments of funeral rites.

22.   Buddhist funeral rites have been scheduled for seven days.

23.   Charges had not yet been filed against Bashiti, but the chief Muslim cleric in Jerusalem has still labeled him an infidel and denied him Islamic funeral rites.

24.   Diana will be interred privately after a Westminster Abbey funeral that will blend Anglican funeral rites with a song by Elton John.

25.   Diana will be interred privately after a Westminster Abbey funeral which will blend Anglican funeral rites with a song by Elton John.

26.   Family members in black robes wiped tears as a co-ed read a tearful funeral rite.

27.   For a small community in Western India however, the belief extends to even re-enacting the funeral rites.

28.   From wife inheritance to expensive funeral rites, traditions that have bound a west Kenyan culture for generations are under attack.

29.   His widow staged a protest fast at the funeral site last week after her stepsons prevented her from taking part in the Hindu funeral rites.

30.   King Hussein was to be laid to rest Monday in funeral rites both overwhelming in their scale and haunting in their simplicity.

n. + rite >>共 45
funeral 30.12%
initiation 26.51%
fertility 3.01%
purification 3.01%
circumcision 2.41%
marriage 2.41%
spring 2.41%
exorcism 1.81%
canonization 1.81%
memorial 1.81%
funeral + n. >>共 236
service 23.28%
arrangement 18.15%
procession 11.76%
plan 3.39%
ceremony 3.08%
parlor 3.00%
pyre 2.84%
rite 1.97%
expense 1.66%
cortege 1.66%
每页显示:    共 50