21.   The foundation is already funding major efforts in AIDS vaccine development, malaria research and vitamin fortification programs in the developing world.

22.   The joint effort is funded through grants made to the league of cities.

23.   The House last week voted against funding any effort to deploy U.S. forces in Bosnia, unless Congress votes to approve the sending of troops beforehand.

24.   The nonprofit groups, under current law, cannot use federal grant money to fund advocacy efforts.

25.   The settlement to repay money spent treating sick smokers and to fund anti-smoking efforts was expected.

26.   They will do consultations like this once a month but hope an international non-profit charity will see fit to fund the effort and make it more regular and reliable.

27.   Unfortunately, Congress never defined or funded those efforts.

28.   A Japanese Buddhist sect, Soka Gakkai, and a Japanese artist have funded conservation efforts in Uzbekistan, according to the Japanese Embassy.

29.   But GOP leaders accused foreign organizations of shifting money around to fund abortion efforts.

30.   Despite U.N. sanctions, UNITA rebels are still selling diamonds to fund their effort to overthrow the government, Malewezi said.

v. + effort >>共 652
make 10.71%
hamper 3.33%
support 3.26%
continue 3.03%
step_up 2.47%
coordinate 2.23%
lead 2.13%
block 1.69%
resist 1.49%
undermine 1.47%
fund 0.25%
fund + n. >>共 660
project 8.46%
program 5.97%
research 4.39%
study 4.36%
purchase 3.67%
operation 1.97%
activity 1.87%
campaign 1.74%
construction 1.47%
effort 1.31%
每页显示:    共 40