21.   The militants are demanding a full deployment of NATO peacekeepers in Macedonia before accepting any peace proposal offered by the government to end the crisis.

22.   The rebels are demanding a full deployment of NATO peacekeepers before they will accept a peace plan.

23.   The U.N. Security Council on Saturday called on Bosnia and Croatia to stop blocking the full deployment of a heavily armed U.N. force designed to protect peacekeepers.

24.   The violence prompted Prime Minister P.J. Patterson to order the full deployment of the army.

25.   Then orders arrived Saturday norning from President Clinton giving the green light for full deployment.

26.   U.N. officials in Tuzla said earlier the team is to help lay the groundwork for full deployment.

27.   U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali has called for full deployment within three months.

28.   Full deployment is expected to take up to three months to be completed.

29.   Full deployment of the multinational force would take around two weeks, since airports would also be swamped with thousands of tons of humanitarian aid.

30.   Full deployment was not expected before next week, Commander Eric Chaperon added.

a. + deployment >>共 272
military 9.04%
rapid 8.87%
possible 4.14%
full 3.38%
first 2.62%
new 2.36%
overseas 2.20%
american 1.60%
russian 1.60%
planned 1.60%
full + n. >>共 1075
day 2.19%
year 2.08%
control 1.63%
season 1.47%
support 1.42%
strength 1.38%
swing 1.30%
recovery 1.26%
force 1.17%
range 1.16%
deployment 0.13%
每页显示:    共 40