21.   The remainder of the vote went to fringe parties.

22.   The scandal has been fodder for fringe parties, especially the far-right Flemish Bloc.

23.   The rest of the vote went to the regional Northern League, the hard-line Communists and fringe parties.

24.   The results correspond with concerns among western German politicians that easterners are increasingly turning toward fringe parties on the left and right.

25.   The rest of the seats were won by independents and fringe parties.

26.   Thus, he said, fringe parties that have no standing with the voters are blocking a solution to the stalemate.

27.   Underscoring public dissatisfaction with the political establishment, the survey showed growing support for fringe parties.

28.   Unlike Sinn Fein, which claims to be independent of the IRA, the two loyalist fringe parties have never downplayed their connections with killers.

29.   Fringe loyalist parties fought to stay in Northern Ireland peace talks here Tuesday as mainline unionists battled to exclude them for refusing to condemn loyalist paramilitary violence.

30.   However, they were expected to meet representatives of the fringe loyalist parties in Belfast on Sunday and Unionists on Monday.

n. + party >>共 325
opposition 51.33%
dinner 4.23%
birthday 3.79%
minority 2.01%
coalition 1.94%
majority 1.44%
right-wing 1.41%
holiday 1.28%
center-right 1.10%
advance 0.93%
fringe 0.33%
fringe + n. >>共 130
group 25.00%
player 9.53%
party 7.42%
candidate 6.57%
element 2.97%
movement 2.54%
meeting 2.33%
organization 2.12%
title 2.12%
character 1.91%
每页显示:    共 35