21.   But he faced a formidable primary opponent in Gary Locke, then the King County executive.

22.   But he said that Dole was also responsible, because he failed to develop a strategy that recognized Clinton would be a formidable opponent.

23.   But his most formidable opponent has been himself.

24.   But in the very graphic here and now, the reality is that the Bruins are up against a very formidable opponent.

25.   But Mannesmann could become a formidable opponent.

26.   But many Democratic officials suggest that Lopez would be the more formidable opponent.

27.   But Schiff, with the advantage of being an incumbent state senator, is considered a much more formidable opponent.

28.   But Shaw, moderate in temperament and skilled as a lawmaker, is a formidable opponent.

29.   But some of his Republican colleagues, speaking on condition of anonymity, say he has managed the gambit shrewdly, making him a more formidable opponent.

30.   But those skeptics have not watched the NBA this season, when gaps between formidable opponents can stretch in time measured only in Star Trek movies.

a. + opponent >>共 1107
political 13.40%
republican 4.92%
democratic 4.27%
formidable 2.05%
next 1.98%
staunch 1.67%
leading 1.67%
vocal 1.47%
outspoken 1.37%
potential 1.35%
formidable + n. >>共 591
opponent 6.67%
challenge 5.94%
task 4.83%
obstacle 3.91%
competitor 3.04%
force 2.71%
team 2.03%
foe 2.03%
candidate 1.98%
presence 1.50%
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