21.   The Russian news media interest was muted, perhaps because it has become commonplace for former dissidents to come back.

22.   They see the trial as a politically orchestrated performance by President Kim, a former dissident who joined forces with the party of Chun and Roh to get elected.

23.   They see the trial as a politically orchestrated performance by Kim, a former dissident who joined forces with the party of Chun and Roh to get elected.

24.   Thus, under the rule of a former dissident, South Korea continues to imprison far more political offenders than many other countries in the region.

25.   Vaclav Havel, the president of the Czech Republic and also a former dissident and playwright, chose to dwell on the costs of U.S. isolationism.

26.   With the fall of the Communists, the new government of former dissidents tried to scrap the project.

27.   Premier Costas Simitis, a former party dissident, and Interior Minister Akis Tsochadzopoulos, a faithful Papandreou lieutenant, already have said they want the deputy chairmanship.

28.   President Zhelyu Zhelev, a former anti-Communist dissident, is seeking close ties with the West.

29.   President Zhelyu Zhelev, a former anti-Communist dissident, spoke on radio and TV late Saturday to a nation struggling to put its Communist legacy behind it.

30.   President Zhelyu Zhelev, a former dissident, has repeatedly urged parliament to open the remaining files on secret police informers under the former regime.

a. + dissident >>共 255
chinese 12.26%
political 8.60%
former 7.57%
prominent 5.25%
iraqi 4.43%
leading 4.22%
saudi 3.81%
iranian 3.71%
exiled 2.99%
cuban 2.57%
former + n. >>共 731
president 5.40%
republic 4.08%
colony 2.07%
coach 2.03%
minister 1.68%
leader 1.67%
player 1.49%
member 1.32%
employee 1.30%
government 1.28%
dissident 0.18%
每页显示:    共 146