21.   Some groups are still in the formative stages while others have completed their formal applications.

22.   Sopwith must make a formal application to NASA, he said, and the whole process could take some time, years even.

23.   That means everything from a formal application process and regular work hours to a company-approved chair.

24.   The airlines filed formal applications Tuesday with the U.S. Transportation Department.

25.   The agency first needs a formal application for detaching the Valley from Los Angeles and incorporating it as a separate city.

26.   The banks Monday filed their formal application for approval of their merger, which was first announced in February.

27.   The town government must make a formal application before any individual applications are considered.

28.   Their formal applications to build are stacked in the basement of the Tuxedo town hall.

29.   There is no formal application process, no set of written guidelines, and, it would seem, not much rhyme or reason.

30.   There are no formal applications.

a. + application >>共 888
new 6.12%
practical 3.98%
patent 3.52%
commercial 2.57%
multimedia 2.55%
planning 2.23%
formal 2.00%
first 1.83%
potential 1.57%
military 1.54%
formal + n. >>共 728
announcement 3.81%
charge 3.46%
complaint 3.36%
investigation 3.03%
talk 2.56%
request 2.10%
protest 1.78%
agreement 1.78%
meeting 1.66%
peace 1.61%
application 0.59%
每页显示:    共 70