21.   Israeli forces withdrew from two more Palestinian-controlled cities but continued to hold positions in two others.

22.   Israeli forces have withdrawn to the outskirts of Jenin and are now blockading it, as they are most Palestinian cities.

23.   Israeli forces will also withdraw from cities in the Jerusalem area, like Bethlehem and Ramallah, as soon as bypass roads are constructed for Jewish settlers.

24.   Israeli forces withdrew Friday from one neighborhood of Ramallah, called Tira.

25.   Its main jobs are to make sure that territory is handed over on schedule and that military forces withdraw to new lines.

26.   Led by the United States, NATO continues to insist that it will only go in after the Serb forces withdraw.

27.   Military analysts fear that if the peacekeeping force withdraws, the better- armed and better-organized Serbs could defeat the government forces.

28.   No shot was fired by U.S. troops in the confrontation, and the American forces later withdrew from the bridge.

29.   On Friday there were signs that some forces had withdrawn, U.S. officials said.

30.   On Sunday, as the Israeli forces withdrew to the edges of Nablus, fighters returned to the streets.

n. + withdraw >>共 474
troop 14.93%
force 8.92%
government 5.76%
company 3.58%
army 3.44%
party 2.32%
rebel 2.32%
police 2.18%
investor 1.90%
soldier 1.76%
force + v. >>共 622
be 11.83%
have 2.32%
take 2.23%
say 1.89%
launch 1.87%
fire 1.65%
continue 1.54%
attack 1.38%
kill 1.38%
capture 1.35%
withdraw 1.26%
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