21.   Although Russian forces do not control all of Grozny, a provisional government backed by Moscow plans to move to the capital of breakaway Chechnya next week.

22.   Although the intervention force now controls much of Sierra Leone, rebel and junta troops continue to hold out in some northern border areas near Liberia.

23.   Annan would have liked to meet in Kisangani with another rebel leader, Jean-Pierre Bemba, whose forces control much of northern Congo, but Onusumba refused.

24.   Anti-Taliban forces now control three-quarters of Afghanistan, but the situation remains unstable in many areas.

25.   Annan would have liked to meet Bemba, whose forces control much of northern Congo, in Kisangani, but Onusumba demurred.

26.   Armenian forces presently control most of the separatist enclave and some land inside Azerbaijan.

27.   Armenian forces presently control most of the enclave and some land inside Azerbaijan.

28.   Away from the capital, rebel forces still control the Inga power dam that supplies electricity to Kinshasa.

29.   But the reports claimed Bosnian Serb forces still controlled the town.

30.   By early afternoon, Israeli forces controlled almost the entire camp, the army said.

n. + control >>共 891
government 5.85%
rebel 5.57%
party 3.79%
company 3.24%
force 3.21%
troop 2.39%
arm 1.89%
hard-liner 1.32%
group 1.13%
state 1.10%
force + v. >>共 622
be 11.83%
have 2.32%
take 2.23%
say 1.89%
launch 1.87%
fire 1.65%
continue 1.54%
attack 1.38%
kill 1.38%
capture 1.35%
control 0.58%
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