21.   A little bulb fertilizer added to each hole will ensure big, beautiful blooms the following spring.

22.   But as you review statistics about early admissions, keep in mind that your child may change between the autumn of his senior year and the following spring.

23.   But in muscadet country, the best wines remain on the lees until the following spring or fall.

24.   But then, the following spring, I realized that the gift of sunshine had led to the loss of privacy between our small lots.

25.   By the following spring, Perez would flunk his own drug test.

26.   By the following spring, after she had filed her complaint with the EEOC, Ms. Chen said she had been stripped of her managerial duties.

27.   By the following spring, the soil would be free of rootworms, ready for a new crop of corn.

28.   Columbine goes to seed quickly after blooming but usually needs a freeze to germinate the following spring.

29.   Early the following spring, Chang was invited to the White House to watch the NCAA basketball finals with Clinton.

30.   Each year I plant a bed of larkspur in September and a second one the following spring, as early as I possibly can.

a. + spring >>共 702
last 38.59%
next 19.54%
early 5.68%
late 4.66%
following 1.38%
past 1.38%
extended 1.27%
annual 0.96%
warm 0.79%
good 0.52%
following + n. >>共 926
year 17.60%
day 17.28%
week 7.14%
month 4.38%
morning 3.04%
story 2.47%
season 2.04%
gain 1.65%
spring 1.19%
recipe 1.08%
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