21.   Following the election, a special congress is due to choose a new president in November.

22.   Following the elections, the affairs and prerogatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be vested in the following institutions, in accordance with all of the Agreed Basic Principles.

23.   Following his election as mayor, Mr. Young worked to lure commercial development back to Detroit.

24.   Fytanidis said the speeches that followed the elections were a sign that with the eclipse of Papandreou, Greek politics is now ready to move into a new era.

25.   He was dismissed last Friday as part of what Ms. Tobe said were seasonable cutbacks that follow every election.

26.   It directed that Congress meet in January following its election.

27.   King Abdullah of Jordan expressed confidence Tuesday that Middle East peace efforts will be revived following the election of Labor party leader Ehud Barak as Israeli prime minister.

28.   Lawmakers in the House and Senate intend to introduce similar measures that would establish federal requirements for states and local polling officials to follow in future elections.

29.   On Thursday, Ter-Petrossian clamped an effective state of emergency on downtown sections of the city where the opposition mounted protests following the elections.

30.   That process can take weeks following an election.

v. + election >>共 365
hold 18.63%
win 11.77%
call 7.74%
lose 3.11%
boycott 3.00%
contest 2.24%
schedule 1.86%
follow 1.78%
postpone 1.74%
monitor 1.65%
follow + n. >>共 1020
suit 6.02%
lead 1.99%
report 1.85%
meeting 1.75%
attack 1.72%
series 1.33%
rule 1.09%
example 1.08%
procedure 1.02%
death 1.02%
election 0.60%
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