21.   Ibrahim Rugova, the pacifist leader of pro-independence ethnic Albanians, spoke following his arrival the previous day from inconclusive peace talks in Rambouillet France.

22.   Koivu has been hospitalized for treatment of vomiting and abdominal pain following his arrival from Finland on Monday.

23.   Koivu was hospitalized for tests Tuesday night after complaining of abdominal pain and vomiting following his arrival from his native Finland on Monday.

24.   Like the others in the group, Waheed was questioned by Pakistani police following his arrival in Peshawar, but he died after being transferred to a hospital.

25.   The attacks follow the arrival last year of several U.S. military teams to train Nigeria soldiers for peacekeeping duties.

26.   The startup followed the arrival Monday night in Moscow of Serbian and Bosnian representatives, who signed documents assuring Gazprom that the lines were in adequate condition.

27.   The taped-over goggles were a security measure to prevent prisoners seeing during the processing procedure and medical screenings that followed their arrival, he added.

28.   They followed the arrival the day before of two soldiers who were killed in the incident.

29.   Vehicle exports should pick up from June following the arrival of new models on the market.

30.   Wheat futures fell sharply Monday in early dealings on the Chicago Board of Trade following the arrival of crop-beneficial weather in prime growing regions.

v. + arrival >>共 248
await 12.52%
delay 7.99%
follow 4.76%
announce 3.84%
greet 3.00%
herald 2.84%
welcome 2.53%
accompany 2.38%
have 2.15%
confirm 2.00%
follow + n. >>共 1020
suit 6.02%
lead 1.99%
report 1.85%
meeting 1.75%
attack 1.72%
series 1.33%
rule 1.09%
example 1.08%
procedure 1.02%
death 1.02%
arrival 0.17%
每页显示:    共 62