21.   He leaned his backside against a table, arms folded.

22.   He had reached the white standard, with Bishop Jon standing, arms folded, beside it.

23.   Still his arms were folded.

24.   He folded his arms across his chest and swung upright magically upon his heels.

25.   They fold their arms when they should lift their hand in wrath.

26.   Benjamin, his arms folded, seemed lost in his own thoughts.

27.   Ronni folded her arms across her chest and tried to fix a disapproving scowl to her face.

28.   As Silvia continued to inflict on her that look of pained horror, Ronni folded her arms and assumed a school-teacherish expression.

29.   There was a definite warning in his eyes now, as he stood away from the door-frame and folded his arms across his chest.

30.   Candy rocked back on her heels, her arms folded in front of her, a look of astonished revelation on her pert features as she nodded knowingly.

v. + arm >>共 695
raise 6.58%
take 6.43%
put 5.36%
wave 4.03%
have 2.36%
bear 2.14%
break 2.07%
sell 1.96%
wrap 1.93%
throw 1.75%
fold 1.48%
fold + n. >>共 296
arm 11.18%
hand 8.44%
tent 3.18%
paper 2.74%
napkin 1.97%
edge 1.97%
laundry 1.75%
clothes 1.75%
chair 1.75%
dough 1.75%
每页显示:    共 101