21.   Thousands more lined up a major highway Sunday evening hoping to get a fleeting glimpse of the pope en route to a meeting with Asian bishops.

22.   Tourists armed with cameras and binoculars descend regularly upon this desolate cluster of buildings for a fleeting glimpse of communist North Korea.

a. + glimpse >>共 200
first 21.31%
rare 11.60%
brief 7.44%
fleeting 2.77%
occasional 2.65%
quick 2.27%
last 2.14%
tantalizing 1.89%
fascinating 1.77%
early 1.39%
fleeting + n. >>共 198
moment 17.98%
glimpse 4.82%
appearance 3.29%
image 2.63%
reference 2.41%
thing 2.19%
nature 1.97%
thought 1.97%
opportunity 1.75%
smile 1.75%
每页显示:    共 22