21.   The experience also gave Titov the dubious bragging rights as the first human to suffer the seasickness-like effects of zero-gravity.

22.   The first human infected?

23.   The flight also captured the attention of Neil Armstrong, the first human to walk on the moon.

24.   They trace the cosmic calendar, beginning with the Big Bang and ending with the first humans.

25.   Three children from these communities are expected to become the first humans ever to test a new method of gene therapy.

26.   Were ancestors of American Indians alone as the first humans in North America?

27.   We can wait, then scramble around in reaction to these and a million other questions when the first human is cloned.

28.   When the first humans depart to colonize space, there will be no port waiting, no native guide to greet them, and no guard against despair.

29.   OTHER FEATURES MOVED FEATURE-SOUTH AFRICA-THE LAST BUSHMEN, Kalahari Bushmen want to retain a life much like that of the first humans.

30.   A decade ago, the history of the first humans to reach the Americas seemed set in anthropological stone.

a. + human >>共 324
modern 15.04%
cloning 6.04%
first 5.14%
early 4.24%
fellow 2.19%
infected 1.67%
cloned 1.29%
normal 1.29%
only 1.29%
the 1.16%
first + n. >>共 866
time 17.03%
half 3.66%
round 3.47%
day 2.41%
step 2.05%
game 1.75%
quarter 1.68%
year 1.32%
inning 1.07%
meeting 1.03%
human 0.02%
每页显示:    共 40