21.   Lacking firm evidence, investigators have debated whether the Air-India crash was indeed caused by a bomb.

22.   Nadler emphasized that he had no firm evidence that downtown residents and workers had ever been at risk from indoor air contamination, or that they were now.

23.   No firm evidence has appeared to support reports the sect was trafficking in arms.

24.   Sox said some professional groups and health organizations recommended practices for which there was little firm scientific evidence of usefulness.

25.   South Korean government officials said Wednesday that they had no firm evidence of North Korean involvement in the slaying and they were reluctant to speculate.

26.   The industry lobbyists counter that the government has no firm scientific evidence of a link between those illnesses and microscopic particles in the air.

27.   There is no firm evidence that a significantly larger number of people have started taking the drug in recent months.

28.   While there has been no firm evidence of rain or seas on Titan, there are now strong indications of clouds.

29.   Radzinsky acknowledges he has no firm evidence.

30.   Australia Tuesday rejected a United States call to cut trade with Iran saying there is no firm evidence that Tehran is supporting international terrorism.

a. + evidence >>共 460
new 8.46%
scientific 3.64%
further 3.57%
insufficient 3.55%
physical 3.36%
anecdotal 2.91%
sufficient 2.71%
hard 2.41%
clear 1.95%
strong 1.82%
firm 0.54%
firm + n. >>共 701
commitment 4.43%
date 3.61%
grip 3.31%
control 2.81%
believer 2.38%
action 2.27%
stand 1.83%
plan 1.83%
hand 1.83%
evidence 1.80%
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