21.   But his Arkansas staff is pursuing land and financial dealings, some involving legal work performed by Hillary Rodham Clinton.

22.   But it is the transactions that followed that transformed these complex financial dealings into a legal battle.

23.   But Iraq, whose financial dealings are handled through an escrow account, is not normally given such a large sum of money to handle as it wishes.

24.   But the financial dealings the Clintons had with the Perry County Bank have been cause for concern by investigators.

25.   But they have found no evidence of financial dealings or any accomplices in his attack.

26.   But with only a small handful of senior executives having much knowledge about the financial dealings that brought Enron down, the universe of potential defendants is relatively small.

27.   Confronted with suspicious-looking financial dealings by one of his highest-profile Cabinet officers, President Clinton has responded with a debatable non sequitur.

28.   Credit Lyonnais, which was controlled at the time by the French state, ultimately failed itself, crushed by billions of dollars of soured financial dealings.

29.   DeFillippo declined to say what rules, if any, Prudential had at the time, or has now, governing such financial dealings.

30.   Disclosure forms filed by all Washington lawmakers show travel, gifts, assets, liabilities and financial dealings over the past year in broad categories of values.

a. + dealing >>共 282
financial 13.85%
early 10.78%
shady 3.53%
direct 2.97%
illegal 2.42%
commercial 2.14%
past 1.30%
questionable 1.30%
international 1.21%
quiet 1.21%
financial + n. >>共 564
market 8.71%
institution 6.54%
service 4.92%
crisis 3.98%
aid 2.63%
support 2.14%
system 2.03%
problem 1.91%
assistance 1.38%
adviser 1.25%
dealing 0.29%
每页显示:    共 148