21.   General Instrument has relied for years on strong cash flows from its established, though smaller, coaxial cable and semiconductor operations to finance the research.

22.   He endorsed a new NASA program to finance research on a new generation of rockets to replace the shuttle.

23.   He was seeking federal funds from the Sea Grant program, which finances aquatic research at universities that border the Great Lakes or the ocean.

24.   He started White Buffalo as a nonprofit venture to help finance research in wildlife management.

25.   He was raising money to help finance research on alcoholism when he was appointed ambassador.

26.   His research was financed for decades by the National Institutes of Health.

27.   In both cases the research was privately financed, so Ellis could not investigate.

28.   In the wake of the death, the federal government last week suspended all federally financed medical research involving human subjects at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutes.

29.   Indeed, Congress forbids the National Institutes of Health to finance any research involving human embryos.

30.   Kennedy has proposed using money from new tobacco taxes to finance medical research, an idea that seems to be gaining favor on Capitol Hill.

v. + research >>共 528
do 17.80%
conduct 11.47%
need 3.27%
fund 3.24%
support 2.98%
carry 2.08%
finance 1.84%
continue 1.84%
begin 1.45%
publish 1.43%
finance + n. >>共 820
project 8.30%
purchase 4.25%
campaign 3.05%
operation 2.92%
acquisition 2.40%
construction 2.33%
expansion 2.22%
program 2.18%
activity 2.05%
minister 1.78%
research 1.41%
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