21.   Jackson has appointed a special master to help him reach a final resolution of the case.

22.   Lawmakers then plan to reconcile minor differences over the budget plans and vote on a final resolution again recessing late next week for Memorial Day.

23.   Meanwhile, the NCAA said the appeals process could be lengthy, with a final resolution possibly not handed down until December.

24.   Negotiations were continuing Thursday on the details, and a final resolution could come on Friday, they said.

25.   Pending final resolution of the dispute, Whyte ruled that letting Microsoft continue to sell products with the Java trademark could do irreparable harm to Sun.

26.   The agreement stipulated that Ms. Lewinsky could not be interviewed pending final resolution of the Clinton case.

27.   That, in turn, is supposed to lead to a final resolution of all disputes by mid-September.

28.   The exodus did not represent a final resolution of the crisis, however, since hundreds of thousands of refugees remain unaccounted for.

29.   The final resolution of this suit must include remedies strong enough to rein in Microsoft if it remains inclined to behave badly.

30.   The landmark decision lays the groundwork for final resolution of a host of other critical water issues, too.

a. + resolution >>共 566
peaceful 7.63%
quick 4.49%
new 4.10%
non-binding 3.49%
similar 3.14%
council 2.98%
continuing 2.92%
final 2.44%
high 2.37%
nonbinding 2.08%
final + n. >>共 723
decision 5.81%
game 3.56%
round 3.42%
day 3.06%
minute 2.66%
result 2.28%
approval 2.26%
year 1.46%
report 1.46%
vote 1.43%
resolution 0.16%
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