21.   But Moore said he is undeterred, and the film will open, intact, as planned.

22.   Chambers expects the dolls, which go on sale in November, to sell out before Christmas -- when the film opens.

23.   Directed by Robert Redford, the film opens Wednesday with powerful advance reviews but uncertain commercial prospects.

24.   Eight years before the film opens, Anne Elliot broke off their engagement under pressure, even though she loved him deeply.

25.   Few films opened that summer with higher critical praise, but it proved a box-office disappointment.

26.   In New York the film opens Friday and runs through next Friday..

27.   Increasingly, video distributors are releasing tapes with big-name stars at the same time said actors have films opening in theaters.

28.   Instead, the film opens with performances by two obscure bands from the Pacific Northwest, Crackerbash and the Mono Men.

29.   Meanwhile, the film opened, and my character turned out to be one of the most relatable characters.

30.   Ms. Dash said the film opened a few doors in Hollywood.

n. + open >>共 988
gunman 4.54%
door 3.71%
police 3.26%
soldier 2.44%
market 2.19%
stock 2.10%
troop 1.84%
price 1.49%
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company 1.35%
film 1.12%
film + v. >>共 1030
be 26.06%
have 6.29%
make 2.37%
star 2.25%
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