21.   WORKFARE A fellow stopped at a rural petrol station and, after filling his tank, he paid the bill and bought a soft drink.

22.   Filling the tank is the least of my economic worries.

23.   For many households, especially those on low and fixed incomes, filling the tank for a month can cost more than the rent or the mortgage payment.

24.   Gasoline customers typically spend four and a half minutes filling their tanks.

25.   Grocery stores and gasoline pumps were packed this weekend as Venezuelans sought to stock up and fill their tanks before prices inevitably climb.

26.   I let the fuel run down to half a tank, then I fill the tank alternately with premium and regular unleaded.

27.   If production is not increased, consumers can expect to see an effect that will go beyond the additional cost of filling gas tanks.

28.   In some cases, gas tanks are filled with drugs, then sealed off with a double wall of steel to prevent detection.

29.   Instead, I pour coffee down my gullet as if I am filling my tank for the NASCAR speedway.

30.   Investigators said the car was running while the gasoline tank was being filled, which is illegal and increases the chance of fire.

v. + tank >>共 353
fill 5.19%
use 5.12%
destroy 4.48%
send 4.16%
deploy 3.07%
have 2.37%
include 2.11%
drive 2.05%
hit 2.05%
move 2.05%
fill + n. >>共 700
gap 4.70%
void 4.30%
air 3.94%
room 2.46%
seat 2.32%
vacancy 2.17%
role 2.11%
street 2.11%
position 2.04%
hole 2.02%
tank 0.70%
每页显示:    共 80