21.   And Wednesday, Clinton considered whether to continue his fight over executive privilege to keep secret his conversations with aides about the Lewinsky case.

22.   And the Senate is bogged down in a sectional fight over funding formulas that so far has prevented any action.

23.   And the state Democratic Party has shown recent signs of vitality by erasing its debt and winning the fight over rent regulations, at the expense of Pataki.

24.   And they see the battle over these issues with the Orthodox as a fight over the very character of Israeli society.

25.   And with a shrinking deficit, the annual budget process, so long focused on partisan fights over spending cuts and tax increases, are undergoing an abrupt twist.

26.   And yet the demonstrations are more than a fight over historic symbols.

27.   Another key issue is the fight over expanded re-examination, which proponents say would avoid costly litigation by resolving more disputes through administrative proceedings.

28.   And, he might have added, no deep ideological fight over how to organize the human race.

29.   Anti-smoking forces in Congress won an important early round on Thursday in the political fight over tobacco legislation.

30.   As Congress takes up the legislation, lawmakers expect fights over everything from vouchers to costs to guns in schools.

n. + over >>共 1357
concern 3.71%
dispute 3.58%
debate 3.01%
win 1.39%
battle 1.30%
controversy 1.10%
sovereignty 0.94%
authority 0.86%
fight 0.84%
difference 0.83%
fight + p. >>共 78
against 33.23%
for 12.43%
with 11.71%
over 9.20%
in 8.19%
between 6.77%
on 2.73%
to 2.19%
at 2.14%
of 1.81%
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