21.   He was represented by Selma attorney J. L. Chestnut, who said Al-Amin will fight attempts to extradite him.

22.   In a brief hearing before U.S. District Judge James Todd, Carruth said he would not fight attempts to extradite him to Charlotte to stand trial.

23.   In response to a shouted request from the crowd, Lazio also said he would fight any attempts to tamper with the level of Social Security funds.

24.   In theory, one could not exist without the other, which is why brokerages will fight attempts to split the two.

25.   It sits on a bay that fights repeated attempts at cleanup.

26.   Landano spent the next five years fighting attempts to return him to prison while his appeals made their way through the state courts.

27.   Kassebaum and Kennedy have vowed to fight any attempt to add extra provisions to their portability bill.

28.   Kim had vowed to vehemently fight an attempt to expel him.

29.   Leeson is in jail in Frankfurt and is fighting an attempt to extradite him to Singapore.

30.   Local officials in Elizabeth said Thursday that unless the immigration service guaranteed substantial improvements, they would fight any attempt to reopen the center.

v. + attempt >>共 566
make 21.13%
block 5.10%
resist 4.20%
reject 3.47%
foil 2.68%
fight 2.54%
oppose 2.40%
abandon 2.09%
thwart 2.04%
survive 1.50%
fight + n. >>共 724
war 6.88%
terrorism 5.83%
crime 3.11%
battle 3.02%
fire 2.77%
way 2.76%
extradition 2.16%
rebel 2.10%
corruption 2.09%
force 2.04%
attempt 0.84%
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