21.   Hutchinson was the only featured US speaker at the event who is not a member of the Clinton administration.

v. + speaker >>共 312
elect 4.79%
include 4.29%
meet 2.65%
feature 2.65%
say 2.52%
have 2.52%
use 2.27%
invite 1.64%
bring 1.51%
hear 1.39%
feature + n. >>共 1771
woman 1.31%
picture 1.29%
player 1.17%
character 1.11%
photo 1.09%
works 1.01%
team 1.01%
work 0.99%
star 0.95%
voice 0.89%
speaker 0.42%
每页显示:    共 21