21.   But Qaddoura said their mutual fears had not led to an improvement in long-strained relations.

22.   But this was the first time such fear led to mob violence, da Costa said.

23.   Consumer fears led to a fall in beef prices across Europe and led to the Commission imposing a worldwide ban on beef exports from Britain.

24.   Consumer fears led to a fall in beef prices across Europe and led to the Commission imposing a world-wide ban on beef exports from Britain.

25.   Even after flights resume, he said, lingering fears likely will lead many people to avoid air travel.

26.   Fear of violence led to postponement of voting in four subdistricts in troubled Aceh province.

27.   However, they have been deadlocked over the terms of the referendum which the government fears might lead to separation.

28.   That fear has led to harsh crackdowns against any hints of Kurdish nationalism that include a ban on teaching or broadcasting in Kurdish.

29.   That fear led to a series of protests by radicals and pro-democracy students, but those worries proved unfounded.

30.   The fear led to a wide range of products being pulled from supermarkets and international bans on Belgian food.

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fear + v. >>共 458
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