21.   It was peer pressure that was sending people aloft throughout the week to break through fears by taking just one swing.

22.   It was the manipulation of ethnic fear by Slobodan Milosevic that provoked non-Serbian ethnic groups to separate from Yugoslavia, fearful they would be persecuted under his rule.

23.   Maybe you cope with the fear by reading up on the world.

24.   Meadows said the archdiocese was anxious to allay fears by churchgoers that it was closing parishes in order to raise money to pay victims of child molestations.

25.   New fears by Americans of tall buildings, in turn, could soften demand for sky-high office space, at least in the short term, some analysts said.

26.   Saldmann said public officials had fanned the fear by sending out mixed messages.

27.   Schmoke tried to allay any fears by white voters that a government dominated by blacks would work against them.

28.   She has seen people deal with fear by narrowing their options and ruling out possibilities.

29.   Sweeney stirred fears by predicting a bloody climax to the standoff, similar to confrontations at Ruby Ridge, Idaho and Waco, Texas.

30.   The ads tried to ease fears by parents and environmentalists that disposable diapers were piling up in landfill sites.

n. + by >>共 1516
effort 1.42%
attack 1.37%
attempt 1.07%
decision 1.01%
visit 0.94%
report 0.85%
year 0.79%
move 0.69%
investigation 0.63%
action 0.59%
fear 0.04%
fear + p. >>共 60
about 28.42%
in 15.28%
for 13.26%
among 10.36%
over 6.95%
from 4.20%
by 2.78%
into 2.62%
as 1.86%
on 1.77%
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