21.   Other factors have also caused difficulties.

22.   Several seemingly contradictory factors are causing the crisis in classic recording.

23.   Several seemingly contradictory factors are causing the crisis in classical recording.

24.   Since then, however, the governor acknowledged two factors have caused him to have second thoughts.

25.   She also claimed the tire failure was more likely caused by factors such as road hazards or underinflation, not manufacturing defects.

26.   Social, economic and cultural factors cause the difference, experts say.

27.   Sullivan said several weather-related factors caused the numbers of ducks that migrated down the Central Flyway into Texas to become scattered.

28.   The fund was created last month to support the main index in case non-economic factors causes a drop in investor confidence in the market.

29.   The popular method of using a thermometer to detect a slight temperature increase is imprecise because many factors can cause a slight change and give false signals.

30.   The results still were above and beyond what physiological factors alone would cause.

n. + cause >>共 1473
rain 1.85%
attack 1.21%
problem 1.17%
disease 1.11%
explosion 1.03%
bomb 0.96%
drug 0.95%
storm 0.92%
blast 0.92%
virus 0.88%
factor 0.42%
factor + v. >>共 367
be 47.77%
contribute 3.22%
make 2.51%
include 2.30%
play 2.14%
help 1.58%
cause 1.53%
affect 1.40%
influence 1.37%
come 1.35%
每页显示:    共 58