21.   The extremists attacked tourism as a major earner of foreign currency for the government.

22.   The extremists have often attacked Christians, accusing them of being informers for state security forces.

23.   The latest tensions started in December when Islamic extremists, fighting Indian rule in divided Kashmir, attacked the Indian parliament building in New Delhi.

24.   The operations occur whenever suspected Hutu extremists attack the army, government officials or Tutsi civilians.

25.   The police said that religious extremists had violently attacked other speakers in recent months.

26.   The State Department said the government had received information that extremists might attack American interests in Indonesia.

27.   The Shin Bet, which usually focused on the threat of Palestinian violence, was slow to respond to warnings that a Jewish extremist could attack Rabin.

28.   There also have been incidents recently when Muslim extremists attacked wedding parties they see to be violating Islamic rules on the segregation of the sexes.

29.   U.N. peacekeepers are discounting media reports that right-wing extremists had attacked a rural election bureau.

30.   U.N. envoy Ahmedou Ould Abdallah said by phone from Burundi it appeared that ethnic Tutsi extremists attacked the market in retaliation for the Sunday evening killings.

n. + attack >>共 840
rebel 8.85%
guerrilla 5.22%
warplane 4.73%
force 4.26%
gunman 3.00%
mob 2.57%
militant 2.43%
troop 2.40%
group 2.34%
man 2.19%
extremist 0.71%
extremist + v. >>共 286
be 8.99%
attack 4.50%
use 4.01%
shoot 3.52%
kill 3.52%
try 3.42%
target 2.35%
claim 2.05%
threaten 1.96%
plan 1.86%
每页显示:    共 46