21.   FIVE EXCUSES FOR SPANKING AND WHAT TO DO INSTEAD There are five arguments frequently cited to justify spanking, but the experts cite alternatives in every case.

22.   Experts also cite the shift to allowing price changes of as little as one-sixteenth of a dollar rather than the long-standing one-eighth.

23.   Experts cite increased poverty, homelessness and immigration from countries with poorer disease control.

24.   Experts cite several reasons for the delays.

25.   Experts cited flaws like foil-wrapped butter patties and inferior breads.

26.   Experts easily cite other examples of how students are increasingly employing their computers and other electronics to gain an unfair edge.

27.   Geriatric experts cite it as a blessing.

28.   In the highly charged debate over human cloning, experts cite deformities and deaths in cloned animals as evidence that making genetic replicas of people would be dangerous.

29.   Industry experts cite American Bankers as a model of efficiency in reaching potential customers by mail and phone.

30.   Penn State University experts cite two ways to fix a backhand.

n. + cite >>共 632
report 10.81%
official 6.69%
company 5.99%
analyst 3.45%
newspaper 3.42%
group 1.88%
expert 1.60%
critic 1.54%
agency 1.43%
trader 1.43%
expert + v. >>共 358
say 44.77%
be 4.04%
believe 3.76%
agree 3.11%
warn 2.16%
predict 1.71%
expect 1.10%
think 0.98%
suggest 0.97%
see 0.84%
cite 0.25%
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