21.   He said subsidies should be limited to the uninsured who cannot afford expensive drugs.

22.   Health plans like Wellpoint are refusing to add expensive new drugs to their preferred lists unless the manufacturers come up with data to show they are worth the money.

23.   However, Raymond said the HMO does not pass on all the savings from its drug discounts because it uses those savings to subsidize losses on more expensive drugs.

24.   If it means patients ask for an expensive drug that might not work, it is still better that they know there is such a drug.

25.   If approved, the drug would compete with Cerezyme, made by Genzyme, one of the most expensive drugs in the world.

26.   If these expensive new drugs were free, people would demand amounts out of all proportion to the value they actually place on them.

27.   In a world of expensive drugs, it may be almost too much to believe that a vitamin costing pennies a day might also prevent heart disease.

28.   In some cases, plans refuse to pay for certain new expensive drugs.

29.   In the intensive regimen, patients are required to take many more expensive drugs, over a longer period of time.

30.   Instead the doctor put Hall on an expensive drug that only combats symptoms.

a. + drug >>共 1007
new 8.41%
illegal 5.80%
performance-enhancing 2.14%
generic 1.95%
illicit 1.51%
suspected 1.47%
major 1.39%
international 1.14%
banned 1.10%
intravenous 1.09%
expensive 0.48%
expensive + n. >>共 1520
car 2.47%
item 1.51%
drug 1.41%
equipment 1.38%
one 1.28%
gift 1.26%
home 1.14%
restaurant 1.02%
proposition 0.94%
way 0.92%
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