21.   Nor does she plan to exhume the bodies.

22.   Police exhumed four bodies this year to test for the presence of digitalis, a heart drug that can be fatal in higher doses.

23.   Prosecutors said the only way to definitively exonerate Dr. Sam Sheppard may be to exhume his body to gather DNA for comparison testing.

24.   Scientists want to exhume the body of Jesse James to resolve questions about his murder.

25.   Some were found with him when his body was exhumed.

26.   Some residents are exhuming the bodies of deceased relatives to ship abroad for re-burial, should any latter-day Red Guard troops desecrate the cemeteries.

27.   Some residents exhumed the bodies of deceased relatives to ship abroad for re-burial, in anticipation of latter-day Red Guard troops coming to desecrate the cemeteries.

28.   Ten years later, his body was exhumed from his farm and shipped to England by a zealous supporter who hoped that Paine would be accorded more respect.

29.   The bodies were exhumed from mass graves in the area and left at Kibeho College as a memorial.

30.   The likelihood of determining that he died as a result of a beating is remote, even if his body is exhumed, which has been discussed by authorities.

v. + body >>共 624
find 17.68%
recover 8.13%
discover 3.35%
identify 2.77%
see 2.67%
take 2.39%
bury 2.38%
remove 1.81%
dump 1.73%
pull 1.51%
exhume 0.89%
exhume + n. >>共 37
body 55.32%
remains 13.62%
corpse 6.38%
grave 4.68%
dead 1.28%
head 1.28%
skeleton 1.28%
truth 1.28%
area 0.85%
brother-in-law 0.85%
每页显示:    共 129