21.   Although many golfers favor the longer holes, most maintain the ultimate result is the exact opposite of the desired goal.

22.   And we did the exact opposite.

23.   Another camp was the exact opposite.

24.   Arena is doing the exact opposite, which has helped with camaraderie.

25.   As out of control as she might appear in front of the camera, she was the exact opposite behind it.

26.   As for your fear of looking weak if you approach your manager and express your concerns, the exact opposite is true.

27.   As the unique expression of one particular personality, a signature story is the exact opposite of almost everything else in a mass-produced culture.

28.   At Boston College, the exact opposite will be the case.

29.   At the Nicole Miller show on Monday and at Ellen Tracy yesterday, it was the exact opposite.

30.   A veteran of World War II, Herman is the exact opposite of the genteel Comanche native he is trying to help.

a. + opposite >>共 57
exact 30.03%
polar 28.65%
complete 9.09%
very 5.51%
ideological 3.58%
total 2.20%
philosophical 1.65%
perfect 1.38%
direct 1.10%
diametric 1.10%
exact + n. >>共 638
number 11.03%
date 9.05%
location 5.87%
cause 5.70%
figure 5.45%
amount 3.31%
nature 2.74%
opposite 2.08%
time 1.91%
science 1.41%
每页显示:    共 108