21.   Dozens of Spanish-speaking evangelical churches have sprung up in poor neighborhoods throughout the Valley.

22.   During that campaign, Christensen, a fundamentalist Christian, relied heavily on support from evangelical churches.

23.   Evangelical churches have fewer problems in that area.

24.   Even today, evangelical churches would not consider the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be a Christian church, according to the National Association of Evangelicals.

25.   Evangelical churches have been wary of becoming dependent on government money and controlled by its regulations.

26.   He also knows the conflict that can occur in traditional Catholic families when members join evangelical Protestant churches.

27.   Hundreds of evangelical churches are asking for space on the airwaves to spread the Gospel.

28.   In an evangelical church, worshipers are constantly looking up Scriptures and underlining their Bibles.

29.   In addition, many Cubans have flocked to Santeria, a mix of Christianity and African religious practices, and to evangelical Protestant churches.

a. + church >>共 778
black 6.75%
local 5.58%
christian 5.20%
protestant 4.42%
new 2.73%
catholic 2.52%
small 2.03%
orthodox 1.66%
old 1.59%
underground 1.53%
evangelical 1.49%
evangelical + n. >>共 178
church 12.93%
group 7.65%
leader 5.10%
movement 4.01%
pastor 2.91%
minister 2.91%
denomination 2.55%
preacher 2.37%
faith 2.19%
sect 2.00%
每页显示:    共 71