21.   He did it sullenly, only because all escape hatches were closed.

22.   Helena Bonham Carter gives the performance of her career so far, as a desperate woman scheming to use love as an escape hatch from social entombment.

23.   However, the morning-after pill provides an escape hatch when something goes wrong.

24.   If you are trying to file copy from remote Chechnya, a link in hand via satellite offers an escape hatch for truth.

25.   In other major attacks during the conflict, the guerrillas generally found an escape hatch.

26.   Inside, the Russians crawled through a door into a rear compartment where those who survived the initial blast had gathered near an escape hatch.

27.   Japanese baseball binds players to their teams, but there are escape hatches.

28.   Make a Dole-deal to include an escape hatch in the law in case the Lilliputians tie down Gulliver in the World Trade Organization.

29.   Moffit insisted that seniors must have an escape hatch from Medicare.

30.   Motsak said the note indicates that two or three crewmen tried to flee the submarine through a specially built escape hatch in that ninth compartment.

n. + hatch >>共 62
escape 42.86%
rear 16.45%
airlock 3.03%
egg 2.60%
cargo 2.60%
roof 2.16%
access 1.30%
mayfly 1.30%
rescue 1.30%
baby 0.87%
escape + n. >>共 120
route 33.74%
attempt 17.59%
hatch 10.12%
capsule 5.62%
plan 3.89%
tunnel 1.74%
bid 1.64%
valve 1.33%
charge 1.33%
vehicle 1.12%
每页显示:    共 98