21.   Transgenics and cloning together are aimed at creating entire herds of genetically altered animals.

22.   Wallace, Gromit and an entire herd of sheep barely escape being ground into dog food.

23.   When a diseased animal is found, the entire herd is destroyed.

24.   When six cows showed mouth lesions on Monday, the entire herd was killed immediately and incinerated.

25.   Other government programs will try to kill rodents and provide animals to families which have lost entire herds.

26.   But it spreads so quickly that entire herds and flocks must be destroyed to contain it.

27.   Culling, usually the gunning down in rapid fire of entire herds and family groups, has been widely criticized as bloody and brutal by conservationists outside Africa.

28.   Entire herds have been destroyed to prevent the spread of the disease.

29.   Entire herds have been killed and crops devastated.

30.   Entire herds of goats, sheep, camels and cows have died in the drought-ravaged regions of Pakistan.

a. + herd >>共 180
entire 11.05%
small 6.78%
dairy 5.23%
british 5.04%
whole 4.07%
large 3.10%
smaller 2.71%
great 2.33%
original 2.33%
wild 2.13%
entire + n. >>共 1160
season 2.63%
family 2.49%
team 2.20%
career 1.89%
country 1.82%
life 1.73%
city 1.60%
game 1.55%
region 1.48%
system 1.31%
herd 0.30%
每页显示:    共 57