21.   To Congress, the Clinton administration engineered the ouster of Boutros-Ghali and the election of longtime U.N. insider Annan of Ghana as the seventh U.N. secretary-general.

v. + ouster >>共 96
demand 21.60%
follow 7.47%
seek 6.40%
engineer 5.60%
force 4.27%
challenge 2.67%
contest 2.67%
orchestrate 2.13%
fight 1.87%
see 1.87%
engineer + n. >>共 354
ouster 3.04%
firm 3.04%
election 1.74%
turnaround 1.74%
trade 1.59%
change 1.59%
merger 1.59%
deal 1.45%
meeting 1.16%
corn 1.16%
每页显示:    共 21